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No other place on Earth can one find so many towering cliffs, finger canyons, and hanging gardens as those concentrated in Zion National Park. Zion is a hiking an rock climbing paradise. Many trails traverse the cliffs, and canyons of the parks giving hikers excellent views of the amazing and massive rock mountains, such as the Great White Throne. Patient hikers can view the worlds largest arch.

The name Zion itself a biblical name referring to a place of peace and refuge. After a moment in the park it is no wonder it was so named by the Mormon Pioneers who found it. The Virgin River, a tranquil tributary to the Colorado, emanates from the Park, spilling out of cracks and canyons in the springtime. It offers the foundations for lush hanging gardens. The Zion Lodge makes a convenient base for exploring the park, or for simply relaxing, as you take in the wonders of the canyon.

Zion the tranquil refuge.

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Zion National Park

Useful Links

Official NPS Website
Zion Visitors Bureau
Zion Canyoneering
Zion History Assoc.
Weather Conditions


National Parks and other popular destinations near Cedar City

Brian Head Ski Resort Grand Canyon NP Zion National Park
Bryce Canyon NP Great Basin NP Neil Simon Festival
Cedar Breaks NM Shakespearean Festival  

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Modified: 02/05/2007

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